President Obama by an executive order reportedly extended its power over private communications.  What do they mean by the security having the control over communications including private ones?  What if in a case like M&A?  Does that mean I can not speak anything against the government even in my private conversation?  My works could be hindered by the contents of the conversation. A picture such as the President handing out dollar bills with smiles on his face with the title should be "the day dollar died" would be banned.

I hate those begging people on the street for whatever reasons.  There are back again.  And this time, and often times they are African Americans, and predominantly male. 

Ann said she will go to the office tomorrow and will be in NH this weekend.  She did not say how Elizabeth Warren is doing nor the race in NH.  I told her the results of the Presidential race here in Illinois is almost all certain, but not for each candidate.