Tax cuts + Healthcare = Election season

President Obama in his weekly address emphasized his stand point of views on the tax cuts for the middle class.

The last thing we need right now is more top-down economics.  What we need are policies that will grow and strengthen the middle class; that will help create jobs, make education and training more affordable, and encourage businesses to start up and stay right here in the United States. 
The top 2% can not sustain the economy, Matt from our office told me the other day.  The top 2% may be able to sustain those lawmakers but not the economy.  

When the disparity and the unequal distribution of wealth is apparently damaging the nation's economy and the work ethics, as well as increased the crime rates, -- us the 98% demand tax cuts, and this is the right time to say so out loud before the election. 

And I’m going to keep fighting to make sure we rebuild an economy that rewards work, grows the middle class, and gives new opportunity to those trying to earn their way into the middle class.
-- President Obama

On the Healthcare reform, I recall what Diane said to me today "Does it not raise taxes?".  The private healthcare companies taking lives as hostage raised fees so much, I told her.

There is no reason for those profit oriented companies to care for our welfare.  They only aim to get the money, if and only if this society does not keep eyes on their activities.

She did not use the word government 'take-over' but said something of that sort.  The cost of healthcare is so much, compared to other developed nations.  Those private companies can not go on with raising fees.  If not the government then what can rein in the cost of healthcare?  I said.  We agreed on the need to change the system.