It is pretty outside, and people from inside and outside Illinois were enjoying outing in the park.
How do you vote for the coming up election in November?
Illinois is a 'safe' Democratic state. Having that in mind, you would not be surprised to hear people saying "Election? I have not put much thoughts on it. I support the President". While the Democratic party may complain the lack of enthusiasms for the election, there certainly are people out there supporting the President 'by default' without giving it a thought.
Are there Republicans? I had a chance to talk to a person from Wisconsin. "No, Dems won't have my vote", he said. He would vote anybody Republican. Romney still is struggling with gaining his popularity. "What do you think of Ryan?" "Paul Ryan? He's great." "Did you know him before he was picked up as the GOP's VP candidate?" "Yes I did." "What about the Ryan plan?" "That's it. Dem's plan can not do it."
According to Pew Research Center for the People & the Press, the voters have an unfavorable than favorable view of Mitt Romney by a 52% to 37% margin (Romney's Personal Image Remains Negative).