Press Conference: Medicare/Medicaid, Deferred Action, Voter ID

At a presss conference, the Press Secretary Jay Carney told reporters the President's plan on budgets keeps the fiscal order in coming days.  "Would you like to have voucher system instead of Medicare?" he said.   He accused of the GOP plans to extend tax cuts for the 1%ers and called them irresponsible, not willing to balance the budget in the hope that the trickle-down economics would work. 

On the immigration front, the Arizona governor Jan Brewer on Wednesday those applicants of the Deferred action, calling the program 'backdoor amnesty'.  There was no comment on the issue.

The Pennsylvenia judge reject to block the voter ID law that requires photo ID's to vote.  The Obama camp says it indicates the GOP side trying to create obstacles for people to vote and they are trying to spread the word.  The ID's are free.