Reactions to GOP's VP pick

The process through which the GOP vice presidential candidate Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) was selected was not open and clear and there are both pros and cons of Romney's decision. 

One of the thing that is said about Ryan is that he is Catholic.  As many of the GOP senior members are protestant, or powerful evangelicals, the choice may indicate the gap between those sympathetic to Romney's Mormon background and those against. 

Does his religion mean much to Catholic people?  I asked about Ryan to Diane, who volunteers for a catholic organization.  "Obamacare raise taxes, right?" she once said to me.  "What do you think of Ryan?" I asked.  There was a moment of silence before she answered the question.  She asked me back "Do you know where Obama is?"  Then she said, did not particularly paid much attention to his religious background. 

As for the healthcare reform, my good neighbor Jae declared that she does not like the healthcare reforms either.  She, however, expressed no interests in the Romney's decision.  At the same time, medicaid is only available to low income earners, she said.