Ryan vs Obama

I meant to start out talking about Ryan but instead talked to Tony about the gun shooting incident in Texas where a policeman was shot to death.  The gunman who were to move out were killed also.  And yet another was killed so there are three people shot to death in the whole incident.  It is not easy for the police to do the work when people are actually armed. 

Things are moving fast in the presidential race.  The GOP's VP pick Paul Ryan is getting all the attention of the media, which depicts him as an energetic fiscal conservative who is true to his principles.  It will become apparent whether the people are picking it up or not in the coming days. 

There will be debates in October, and between Rep. Paul Ryan and President Obama.  Will it be a talk on downgrading?  Default?  Debt ceiling?  Discretionary spending?  Say, the nation is facing default vs look at those poor people who need money.  Tax hikes vs inequality.