Stop NRA Lobbying

After the Aurora massacre, there are some talks came up to rein in some of the sales of the weapons, a particular types of weapons such as assault weapons and high capacity magazines and clips.  Some states already have the laws to ban on those military grade weapons. 

But who indeed is preventing those common-sense laws from passing the legislature?  NRA?  Gun manufacturers (= military industry)?  NRA lobbyists?  The lawmakers afraid to lose the election by sheer might of the lobbyists?  What are those myths about NRA endorsement?

Just as recently as last Thursday, this myths have been propagated in the media.  In Tennessee, a Republican candidate, an sitting head of the State senate lost by a NRA backed candidate.  NRA spent around half the amount of money the incumbent did for the entire campaign. 

So who are those lobbyists?  Some of them are indeed outspoken about their issue, backed by perhaps the massive political force of the military.  Here is a letter to the President from an NRA lobbyist Chris Cox opposing the DISCLOSE Act:

In addition, S. 3369 would give the FEC the power to require the NRA to reveal private, internal discussions with its millions of members about political communications. This unnecessary and burdensome requirement would leave it to government officials to make a determination about the type and volume of speech that would trigger potential criminal penalties, which is unacceptable. 

The lobbyists do not lack in political backing from the Democrat side, either.  The former NRA President, Marion Hammer, is a Democrat who reportedly is "responsible for many of the nation's most permissible gun laws".  A Democrat backing NRA?  What is going on?

Guns kill.  Thousands of deaths annually within the nation, is due to the lax laws on weapons, the weapons so accessible even to youths, not-so-mentally-strong and ever-so-strong-will-to-win people.  Where is the criteria?  No one knows indeed.