The Ryan effects

The polls show the effects of the media campaign over the weekend. 

Rep. Paul Ryan now enjoy  a higher favorable rate and a low unfavorable rate.  The polls show, however, most of the voters, however, have withheld their opinions on him. 

The Obama vs Romney polls show some upward trend of Romney.  AP/GfK 47-46, Gallup 45-47, and Rasmussen 44-45.  The President disapproval rates exceeds his approval rates by 3 percent according to Gallup and Rasmussen reports.  AP/GfK polls says 49-49 tie.

In a way, it might show the Ryan effects lowered the support rates of Obama, possibly because of Ryan's campaign efforts to move focus on the huge financial debts and Obamacare concerns.  Recently CBO announced this year the federal budget deficit will total $1.1 trillion, slightly lower than the March estimate of $1.2 trillion.  Throughout Obama's first presidency, the annual federal deficits exceed $1 trillion.

 The polls show the Florida voters are more concerns about the Obamacare than the Ryan plan.  While the Obama camp are constantly at the Ryan's voucher system, Ryan insists the Obamacare slashes $716 billion from medicare and moves the funds to its own.  Nothing is free (= we are willing to tax anything)

Meanwhile, the Latino voters are more favorable to Obama perhaps for very understandable reasons. 

What of the women voters?

The chauvinism in politics is certainly not for security and safety for women.  The 'validity' or 'active' machismo is nothing but undermine the status of women.  The Akin's comments is an exhibit the androcentric world of theirs.

The Ryan's outlook, age, race, and middle class attire might have a meaning in the race among voters.