Democracies -- QE3: a left-wing populist measure

The Fed announced QE3, a measure that buys $40 billion loans a month from the market.  The GOP Presidential candidate Mitt Romney said "QE3 shows Obama's policies failed" denouncing the Administration for lowering the value of dollars.  Some calls it "US dollar just received final bullet to the head". 

Rep. Paul Ryan said:

However, the stock market rose with the stimulus and the poll figures indicate that the support rates for Obama advanced in recent days. 

There are many forms of democracies in the world.  The one in the Middle East is expressed as anger toward the US embassies.  The one in China is such that the next president hopeful Xi has not been seen for more than ten days.

The fake money or the bloated dollar can be a popular way to buy votes.  The oppositions warn the fiscal cliff or impending tax hikes and the increased danger of the collapse of the US economy.  The democracy in this nation has not shown concerns still of the consequences of the feast.  

Let us hope this revolutionary devaluation of currency will result in freeing ourselves of the skewed economy of the disparity of wealth.  Let us hope the inflation will nullify the debts and we will not be taxed for the accumulated debts that amounts to be over the GDP of this entire economy.  Let us hope we still have the chance to maintain at least the save level of social welfare and let us hope this be not "a clear sign of the decline" of this great nation. 

The people of Illinois are very supportive for Obama.

- "I am voting for Obama because I am not stupid" said Greg.
- "I am voting for Obama" said Olga.
- "I like him personally" Elizabeth said.  "He has to do more for the social security" she added.  When asked of the teachers' strikes, she said she would not want put herself in the city's mayor Rahm Emanuel's position.  "He has to make money somewhere" she said.
- There are people who refuse to talk, and to talk to Democrats.
- There are those who have not made up their minds yet.
- "Both candidates are doing it for themselves" Richard said.
- "Iowa?  What about Wisconsin" said Julianne.