Presidential Election: Likes and dislikes

The generation gap is such that the support rates of Democrats and Republicans differ over 20% among those under 30 in favor of Obama.  Over 65 year old, however, overwhelmingly support Romney. 

There certainly is the tendency that the college students support Obama.  often than not, their parents are either less enthusiastic or go even as far to say they support Romney. 

The reason?  Prejudice, or the taxes concerns?  His managerial skills?

The state of California passed a pension reform bill last week.  The state has the largest debts of all states.  Then there comes Illinois, which has not been able to take just any measures so far.  

Whatever the reason is, a certain percentage of people dislike Obama.  Some people now express support for Romney only reluctantly.  There are people hating both parties.

So what do you think of Obama?  Google "Obama is" and you would get the general impression of him.  Judge for yourself.  A dirty Chicago politician?  A left wing populist?  How do you assess he has any other convictions in life?  He does not have to lie, he is smart enough.  What he says is simple.  I buy you out, I bought him out, I will buy them out.  A typical Chicagoan.

So then what of Romney?  A corporate CEO?  He seems to be a nice person.  Indeed he was a bishop.  He would listen to you when you tell him how life treats you badly.  It may be his assumption of goodness then that lead him to say things that have been accused.  Or it was out of sheer arrogance. 

Make a wild guess how much more the Romney camp raised last month versus the Obama's. 

Well we will know.  Let us hope he is a good person.