GOTV: Get Out The Vote

We are encouraging voters to vote early.

We call out to fight for the middle class, and fight against Governor Romney's stance of "taxes are for little people".

The research says, the bottom 80% -- the most of us, that is -- only possess the wealth of this nation at about 11.1%.  Excluding houses which we can not sell, the number goes down to 4.7%.  This politics is corrupt.  The riches are funding the GOP campaigns only to avoid taxation.  This is a place where the rich get richer, the poor get poorer. 

When we are facing the problems in funding the social security, threatening it to privatize and moving into a voucher system only harm "the 47% takers".  The profit oriented insurance companies have increased the premiums over the years.  The high medical expenses in the States are only the results of those companies taking our lives as hostage and profiting out of our perils.  

Many agree with having Medicare and Medicaid.  Most agree with the provisions of Obamacare, including securing coverage under any preconditions.  This is a nation where the rich live longer.  The overall average lifespan in this nation is around 10 years below the other OECD nations'.  Unfairness to this degree should not be tolerated. 

The disparity is such that crimes are not been reported when you have the money or your family is connected.  Gov. Romney's fatal car accident in France has not been reported until recently the 'drunken' priest appeared, alive.  The case with Romney's car accident in 1968 that resulted in Leola Anderson who was with Romney tells us what the disparity means to us: "criminal laws are for little people".  Romney was accused of covering up the whole story.  No one was prosecuted.  Romney said the bishop died in 2007.  The articles on the accidents cite the bishop's name as Albert Marie, only a portion of his name bishop Jean Vilnet. 

An election does not solve all the problems associated with the wealth disparity.  But when the GOP side only speak for their sponsors, namely, the financial companies, the riches, the military-industries, and oil companies using religious-right group's ideologies to defend their assets, we need to speak up for the middle class.  The election is the only chance for us to raise our voices, where votes matter, not the amount of money we possess or spend. 

While there are reports of racial abuses, the polls indicate race is a factor.  President Obama is supported by majority of African American and Hispanic voters.  The Hispanic voters prefer the President over Romney on immigration issues.  There is a disparity among female voters as well.  President Obama's supports on equality and his fairness seem to play a part in the supports among those who suffer from the present system.

"Do not boo, vote", says President Obama.  Let's call out the people to vote.  Let us fight for the middle class.