The Indiana senatorial race is rattled by a comment by the candidate Richard Mourdock who said in a statement that he would regard the pregnancy resulting from cases of violence against women as what the God intended.
Neither Mormons nor most of Catholic people deny the legality of abortion in such cases. Are the Evangelists to be blamed upon? Are the same people who led us into the wars in Iraq having a say in this case as well? 76% of Republicans, 90% of Democrats, and 81% of Independents believe it is legal to have abortion in such cases. Are their views not too extreme, to regard fertilization in such cases as something God has intended?
While it does seem a case of gross violation of human rights for female to be forced upon unwanted pregnancy, neither of the candidate said they withdraw support for the candidate, despite calls from its own party members. Why are they still supporting him? When they be at the office, will they say violence against women is a crime and defend women's rights to have her choice of life? Her life would be devastating.
I am a sort of a scientist. I have had lab sessions for DNA expressions etc. From scientific points of view, what point of fertilization do they consider it as 'life'? Cells are not human. We are made of cells. All cells are alive. Taking up a certain type of cells and call it some sort of special 'life' sounds rather too vague to me. For those looking at the images of 'life taken', take a look at the development process of any other vertebrates. Cultured cells in petri dishes and say "do not kill (God given) life?" Say, if the egg is certain to stop dividing, do they consider it as life as well?
Talking of life's sanctity defying of female's ways of life, is just an expression of arrogance of whoever thinks that has some commands over them. It was rather disappointing that Romney-Ryan have not voiced support for, say, strong denouncement on violence against women or support for the victims. Their reactions have been slow, and tepid at best. Criminals should be prosecuted, and violence against women is a crime.
Let us hope all the voices of female and male constituents should reach them to induce them in support of the rights of female. Let us hope the religious extremism will not dictate the court rulings or the life of individuals. Let us hope the voters will matter to them and that we will be rest assured that they stand on our side.