Simple quetions: Are Tuaregs terrorists? Was Biden rude?

- French President Francois Hollande struck a populist tone on his stance on African politics.  In his interview, he called Tuareg people 'terrorists', who struggle for independence from the Mali government.  He called for "a war against terrorism" to African nations which are sending thousands of troops there. 

How could that be a war against terrorism?  It is a civil war, an independence war.

- The tweets on the VP debate seem to accuse Biden for his rudeness.  The media, however, uses the word an aggression in some positive sense.

Does Ryan deserve the sort of 'rudeness' by Biden?  Perhaps my friend Ann is right in saying so considering how he has voted for the legislature.

- China calls Tibetans' suicide -- suicide as an act of terrorism.  

As it turns out to be, fewer people watched the VP debate.  As the election draws near, there are some change of the tones of their opinions for this election.  The debts and Obamacare, or the fear for the economy seem to be the major issues among them. 

- I asked who he is to vote for for this election.  I served the military, he said.  He said he definitely will not vote for Obama.  I looked at Obama for first half a year, he said.  It was like drifting in the ocean.  He spent so much of our tax money and we are bankrupting.  He had a negative opinion about the bail out. 

I would ask "are you voting for Romney" and their defiance is quite something.  "Yes," they would say with some sort of air saying "believe me or not".  

Most of the Democrats seem to overlook what Biden did in the VP debate with Rep. Paul Ryan.