The last Presidential debate

Today is the day of the last Presidential debate for the election. 

The debate on diplomacy has been all about the Middle east.  This nation's politics is corrupt.  Talk Libya and Iran for the Israeli money's worth. 

The combined military expenses of the major Asian nations will exceed the European nations' spending this year. 

Let us hope Romney and Obama will take up the issue and show us the clear guideline for the direction of this nation.

The Asian region is the center of economic activities now.  All manufactured products except for foods come from that region.  The wealth is accumulating not to the extent of that of in Western nations but steadily so for decades.  As that those nations accumulated wealth, they started to purchase more weapons.  The Australians are complaining about the F16 sales to Indonesian government.  China is about the weapons sales to Taiwan.  

The arguments should fall on whether to arm those nations and/or keep away from their domestic issues in such a way to 'use' them for wall against communist China or the Russian military, political, and economy dominance.  Is selling weapons and keep hands off from the governments ethical?  Not in many cases.  The Tibetan people are protesting against the Chinese government by committing suicides.  Each riot results in massive arrests in a place where 1.6 million people are in prison or concentration camps.  

The Iraq invasion resulted in people dying by suicide bombing.  Libya is still in turmoil with arms in the hands of the citizens, killing the US ambassador.  Military solution does not work.  On Syria, the Western nations must first come to an agreement within themselves.  Supplying arms to both sides will not end the conflict.  The President said the sanction is threatening the Iranian regime.  The sanction has been possible only when all other nations are cooperating, and they cooperate because the US is now more respected nation on earth than before. 

The way to deal with problems in the region should differ, even when freedom and democracy might be the same goals.  In the case with China, it is more about the economy, human rights, and science and technology where there has been no wars for decades in the region.  It is time to talk of issues if not endowing more rights to minorities there then say about improvements in the systems or just simply elections.  When do the political elites listen to citizens' claims? The election is the only time when they pay attentions to the crises that we face.  Be it the debts, the off-shoring, the leadership, democratization, or currency. 

Let us hope in the debate we would be listening to sane discussions on the issues.  Let us hope this democracy can prove itself effective in finding solutions, not partisan or inner party struggles.