#VPDebate last night

It was the Vice President's debate night last night. 

I decided to watch it from home.  Simply because I wanted to yell at them freely.  I needed the time and private space for it.  Sorry guys at the debate watch party. 

I did need the time and space just to do that.  

Because Rep. Paul Ryan and Vice President Joe Biden, aka Joe the plumber, did not show us that they have plans for our problems.  No new ideas, no nothing but the talks were all about what these Washington insiders were concerned with.  Which is of course, spending. 

There are three major funds that source GOP.  One is the military.  No wonder they started the talk with Libya, ends with Syria and Iran.  The other is oil companies.  This time, Rep. Paul Ryan did not bring the figures in comparison but just insisted upon drilling.  As always.  VP Biden answered with green energy projects.  It prompted references to crony capitalism and the answer was oil subsidies.  Just the way that they talk.  Lastly, the most hideous one that runs this nation.  The riches.  Joe Biden claimed that he fought for the middle class.  Paul Ryan did not ask why he could not end the tax cuts for the riches while the Democrats were the majority in both House and Senate.

Both shameless supported the Iraq war.  What they say now is different, however.  Joe Biden accused of the wars on credit cards.  Paul Ryan accused of irresponsible withdrawal agreeing with the end of the war in Afghanistan.  Could we trust them?  Trust their words? Their gestures?  Or their income sources?  Their vague principles, or their religious causes?  Popularity, how we talk of the issues?  How it looks on TV?  The sure thing is that they will spend our tax money, with or without letting us know that they do.  

What disappointed me in all this is not only the social issues that Paul Ryan declared he can not separate public and private life, but also in that there were no mention on China nor debts.  Not seriously, that is.  Rep. Paul Ryan is known to have been a strong advocate of balanced budgets.  Tonight, however, none of his talk referred to the $16 trillion.  He did not say the debts needs to be paid back by the tax payers' money and that the economic stagnation may require another spending. 

Honestly, I do not care which way the voters will evaluate the debate, setting the win for one or the other.  I simply hoped for a serious debate on our problems, and solutions.  There were none of it.  

The last question of the debate was somewhat telling us how things are over there.  How do they regard the race, is it not too negative? Both Rep. Paul Ryan and VP Joe Biden are in Washington since 20's.  No, it did not seem to be their opinions on this race.  In any case, let us hope in the Capital Hill, they ever try to find solutions, not to "attack, blame, and defame" the opponents inside and out.