Libertarians is a term to describe political stance that focuses more on economic liberty. Here in the States, libertarians side with Republicans who insist 'cutting taxes'.
The problem here is that when they do cut taxes, they preferentially cut taxes of the rich and big corporations because the lobbyists pay them up for it. While the lawmakers struggle to tax the rich, the 1%er's multiplied their assets over the decades. During the same period of time, the average earners, or the 99% suffered from less than the inflation rate pay increases.
It is not only the lawmakers that the rich pay. The money also flows into the media for services for the middle class. Money buys air time, and performances. The Romney side insists upon tax cuts for the rich, oil companies, and big corporations (which are not people indeed), and talks of military spending. It the money that the party receives that make them talk of such 'unpopular' agendas.
Over the last four years, those protectors of the status quo in Washington, they have fought us every step of the way, spent millions of dollars to stop us from reforming the health care system; spent millions trying to stop us from reforming Wall Street. They engineered a strategy of gridlock in Congress, refusing to compromise on ideas that Democrats and Republicans used to agree to in the past. -- President Obama
Let us hope this election will give the middle class a voice to say no to this disparity, and that this fight will continue beyond the election day with the popular mandate. When pharmaceutical companies send out lobbyists to each lawmaker, when oil companies buy ads, air time, and the programs, let us hope the election gives us the answers and show us a way forward and not backward.