Obama 332 vs Romney 206 #LetTaxCutsExpire

 President Obama won the election by winning 332 electoral votes, including Florida votes.  270 votes are needed for winning the White House. 


This might be termed as a strategic win for the President when the popular votes gave him a few percentage points more than Romney did.  The election machine worked.  Or rather, the people voted for the President at the last crucial moment where the votes counted. 

The 332 versus 206 is a figure even more than predicted.  The resounding victory of the President with 126 votes difference should give him a mandate for what he has been doing and what he promised to do for the next term. 

So how did the people voted for the President?

One analysis says that more than half of the voters voted for Obama because Romney would favor the rich.  According to opinion polls, more than sixty percent of people favor letting tax cuts for the rich expire.  The taxes will be upon the middle class if the rich are not taxed.  If this democracy works and reflects the voices of the people, then the answer could be as clear as to fix this unfair system that favor the rich who own the 'most of' the wealth of this nation and paying at lower tax rates. 

This election showed some other 'revolutionary' changes to the dynamics of the political system of this nation.  As many as 71% of Latino voters supported President Obama.  A historical number of the female senators are elected in this election.  A majority of the Democratic House of Representatives are female and minorities. 

The President said that 'the best is yet to come'.  Let us hope our support will indeed give him the mandate to fulfill his promises to voters.  Let us hope us the voters and the middle class win over the system in Washington and 'the business as usual'.

President Obama in his speech this afternoon reiterated that he would veto the budget plans that do not tax the rich.  The President said we need to invest in science and technologies and that he won't put the fiscal burdens on seniors and the disabled.  President Obama is to call on the Republican friends for reach consensus, the middle ground, or a compromise which should not be a 'dirty' word.