Drama making

The long time Hawaii senator Sen. Inouye has passed away yesterday.  

Obama caved in to Boehner's demand to lessen taxes on the rich.  This nation lost $400 billion by his concession.  Imagine what the money can do.  If they failed to agree, this nation will be further in debts, weakening its position. 

So get them to work.  Creating drama is not a part of their jobs.  It only makes them look ridiculous.  Their jobs are to pass meaningful laws. 

Their dramas -- they do not read, and they watch TV, mostly written by white.  Those dramas initially were, meant to be, somewhat boosting Christian values, which could be summarized in "return to Caesar that belong to him".  In their case, they ended up something of male-oriented convenient-women animal-satisfaction waste-of-time-justified doing-nothing think-nothing, in short, base and vulgar melodrama of the middle class of this country.  They are arrogant species.  Their strong belief in their existence is remarkable.  

The polls say more people agree on gun laws.  The seemingly obsession to guns seems to ease at this time.  More than half say now that we need tougher gun regulations.