UNSC accuse North Korea's rocket launch

The United Nations Security Council issued a statement yesterday and denounced the North Korean aka DPRK rocket launch. 

The presidential statement reportedly declares "its determination to take action accordingly in the event of a further DPRK launch or nuclear test".  The UN website has not released the text of the document. 


Nations including the US are concerned on its capability to launch ICBM that may carry nuclear weapons.  North Korea has been accused of its export of its weapons to not-friendly nations to the US. 

The UNSC continues to talk on how to implement sanctions against North Korea.  China is claimed to have been unwilling to cooperate in the effort. 

The rocket launch of North Korea that put object into earth's orbit has put nations in high alert.  Now it is supposed to attain the capability to send bombs to any place on earth.

Just as the talk of sanctions been discussed among nations, the Chinese planes flew over Senkaku Islands.

Japan responded the Chinese invasion by fighter jets.