Frence's war in Mali

The French army started invading Mali and killed hundreds of Touareg people, in their term 'militants', 'extremists' or 'radicals'.  The Touareg people seek for independence from Mali, a former French colony.  The death tolls include Malian soldiers as well as civilians. 

The results of the military excursion should be out in coming days.  Some warn increased hostility against France and its people.  Would Mali be the Franch version of Afghanistan, or Pakistan to the United States?  How would it increase the chances of the French people being targeted by terrorist attacks?

According to polls there, around three fourth of Pakistani people are against the United States whose drone attacks are killing its people including civilians.

dignite' de quoi si l'operation militaire tue la peuple malien la` bas?  dignite' de la France?  la guerre contra terrorism?  terrorism contra qui?  le massacre les donne la cause des attacques suicides a co^te de l'extremists.  combient de personnes sont tue's?  que faient ils a` eux?  l'operation militaire n'est pas la solution de la crise au Mali.  il n'est que la dialogue.  quel but de l'intervention au Mali?  quel objective, genocide et l'extermination des Touareg?

milles des francais plus a` la guerre au Mali.  milles risqueront la` bas.  apre`s quitter d'afganistan, au Mali maintenant.  a protecter le territoire francais?  en afghanistan, ils voient quoi?  ils seront dans les deserts, ils ne pouverons pas les suivre dans leur territoires. 

quittez la guerre