Simple way to make Congress work: Filibuster reform, UK Prime Minister spoke on the role of the UK in the EU

The filibuster reform bill is 'close to' vote in coming days. 

The UK Prime Minister David Cameron announced that the nation is to have a referendum on its participation in EU.  The Prime Minister said of its importance of a part of EU union as being able to speak up for the interests of his nation not otherwise.  The referendum is set to happen in 2017. 

→ Britain's Role in the European Union

Comparing the number of roadside deaths to the number of people being killed at wars is simply meaningless.  A war is a deliberate and collective act of the ruling entity that sends out its citizens to combat zones to kill and get killed.  

When the objective is to win the hearts and minds of people, sending out drones to kill the 'militants' who they themselves can not distinguish (he was with the group last winter, now working in the field cultivating) will not work. 

The geographical position of the nation is making the matter worse.  Now they recruit suicide bombers by putting out photos from the US attacks, which are not mutilation but brutal bombing from the air and rampage by the US soldiers. 

The number of suicides among the US soliders now exceeds the casualties at war.  The plan to kill all millitant including the future potential ones go far beyond the scope of any military operation could achieve. 

Why did they have to die?