Progress: Twitter/Facebook be free to use for political purposes in Japan

- If not the US then France is demanding for troops? During one month of operation, the French army killed hundreds of Islam 'militants'. 

- SNS will finally be freed in the politics in Japan.  In the United States, the Internet has changed the way Washington works.  President Obama has a lot of followers; a photo would induce tens of thousands of 'likes' in an instance.

I welcome their effort to keep up with the IT technology.  If anything to be added, then here is a simple advice; keep reaching out.  Namely, send more messages and tweets, and blogging and pages. 

The internet is the lifeline and forefront of the organization or individual.  The viewers would only be able to make sure the group or the individual is alive when they send messages.  It can be intelligent; it is not only the smaller scaled version of television.  To specific targets, information can be narrowed down to some specifics. 

Regular messaging and announcement in timely manner; photos not only aethetic but also informative graphics; video clips with someone we can recognize with; links to sites that share ideals and so forth.

- Being patronizing is not the same as being arrogant.  Since you can be arrogant without being patronizing. 

- Laziness is not the same as the demise of manual labor.   Since you can despise manual labor without being lazy.

- Tunisian opposition leader Chokri Belaid has killed.  Tens of thousands of Tunisians rallied to protest the death of the secular leader.

- If the concealed guns are allowed in churches, then what should we expect, but yet another shooting incident?