Where is the money in science?

Where is the money in science?

NASA, pharmaceutical companies, big private universities, public universities, military industries, and multinational corporations. 

President Obama awarded medals to National Medals of Science and Technology recipients on Friday.  

Their areas of expertise are: physics including quantum physics, string theory, space science such as galaxy formation, far uv cameras; chemistry including green energy related Lithium batteris and bio fuels, and energy efficient buildings; medical area includes laser surgery, oxygen supplies, interferon, cell differentiation; biology including photosynthesis; psychology such as studies in attentional limits, engineering such as signal processing. 

- Not too many nations on earth kill its citizens by more than 11,000 within its own soil. It is the number of deaths by gun-related incidents in the United States.

- The US is sending monitoring aircraft and aircraft carrier near South Korean water.

 - The explosion at the US embassy in Turkey killed a few and injured many.

- Explosions at Mexican oil company's headquarter killed tens.