Gun vigil: they demand a vote

We had a vigil for gun victims at Harmony Part, Arlington Heights, IL on Saturday (read Arlington Heights Patch article here "Candlelight Vigil Illuminates Need for Gun Violence Prevention").  The participants mourned for the victims of gun violence and listened to the talk of people who fight for the coming up new gun regislation.  Total over 30,000 people die each year by guns including suicides. The bill contains among other things the background checks for gun purchases.  The Obama Administration insists that the people support the background checks and it demands the Congress to act.  We insist the Congress to vote, and pass the bills.  We chanted we have not forgotten and the victims of the gun crimes #TheyDemandAVote.

There I met an old friend of mine who worked for the Obama reelection campaign.  He was in Florida.  He told me how successful the campaign was there.  Everyone worked hard for the reelection campaign.  The get-out-the-vote campaign, he said, was very successful in Florida.  Around 70% of registered voters voted before the election day.  I told him we were at the McCormick Center when Obama declared victory.  It was nice talking to him and it reminded me of the excitement of the whole thing at that time.  Obama was re-elected.  With same sort of promises that he made back in 2008.

As I thought of the multi-billion dollar campaigns and the anguish and concerns of the people of mine and others about his re-election bit, I come up with a very simple question.  We were so happy to have Obama re-elected.  He is our President and we fought for it.  But again, it is this tax season.  This nation is in huge debts.  They borrow money from China.  The question is very simple.  What has Obama Administration accomplished so far?  Is this stalemate what we hoped for?  When will the gun bills pass the Senate and the House?  How long do we have to wait?

We worked for the re-election campaign.  In some ways, we are responsible for whom we asked for people to vote for.  We might as well responsible for thinking out how exactly the Obama Administration is still struggling with obstacles that hinder it from fulfilling the campaign promises.  The hope that he talked about and we put forward, should be based upon the trust of people.  Is Obama Administration doing anything for the cause of people first that put us forward for 'the best place to do business' for all citizens?  Is raising the money for the campaign the only business for the lawmakers?  If this Democratic government is not working, would any other Democratic government possibly do anything for us?

So why is the Congress still holding back from voting on background checks?  Who really are afraid to vote on gun issues? 

The background check issues are supported by the voters.  The powerful NRA lobby is threatening the lawmakers of the consequences of voting for it in the coming up elections.  It has proven that the lobby has been effective in the elections with its money.  The tide has changed, however, in the Illinois election.  Robin Kelly, who made clear that she is against the NRA lobby, had won the House seat.  NRA is in red.  It is as if the people started realize the guns are not indeed toys that some play with their what they claim 'love' for the weapons.  However the guns represent freedom in their notions, the easy guns have killed both gun advocates and opponents alike.  Guns in the hands of ordinary citizens never guarantee freedom.

The background check bill is now on the Senate floor.  It will be voted upon and now the senators are debating on amendments.  Let us hope the political gridlock hinder the Congress again to do its job.  Let us hope, that we will be protected by better laws that provide us secure the freedom.