Obama: Guantanamo prisoners should not die

Some Guantanamo prisoners are already cleared for release
President Obama held a press conference on domestic and foreign issues on Tuesday. 

On foreign front, President Obama said the use of chemical weapons will be met with grave consequences.  The President had a phone conversation with the Russian counterpart on Monday. 

On homeland security, the President referred to the Boston bomber who was interrogated by FBI and said justice must be carried out.  He emphasized that those who has planned attacks on the US cities such as the New York Time Square bomber suspect, are now serving for life in prison. 

President Obama reiterated that the Guantanamo prison should be closed and that some of the prisoners are already cleared in trials to be released.  Some over 100 prisoners are now on hunger strike and are now where 166 prisoners are held indefinitely. 

The President faced a tough question on how he is to cooperate the members of the Congress to pass bills such as the gun background check bill.  We are in divided government right now, he said. 

... when it was determined that doing something about it might mean that we close some tax loopholes for the wealthy and the well- connected, suddenly, well, you know what? We'll take the sequester. And the notion was, somehow, that we had exaggerated the effects of the sequester. 

On the immigration issue, he express his support for the Senate bill and warned if the Congress bill must meet the criteria for the President to sign. 

President Obama said his visit to Mexico will raise the issues on border security and economy.