President Obama spoke at National Science Academy on the importance of investments in science and technology for the nation.
"With the pace of technological innovation today, we can't afford to stand still for a year or two years or three years. We've got to seize every opportunity we have to stay ahead. And we can't let other countries win the race foe ideas and technology of the future."
The President emphasized the nation must have good science and math teachers for this nation to be the best place for innovation and manufacturing.
France's counterpart President Francois Hollande meanwhile announced its publication of the white paper on its defense strategies. The 'Livre blanc' describes the national, regional and world's economic and military development in the world, including that of China which has constantly increased its military spending over decades.
This nation is in huge debts, and much are borrowed from China, which are rightfully pointed out that is the major threat to the security of this nation if not the region or the world's. 'The wars on credit cards' in Iraq and Afghanistan bankrupted this nation. Let us hope that the Obama Administration will find a balanced approach to invest for the future.