US weapons sales to Israel and others

- Right before the Iranians Presidential candidates are to announce their candidacy, the US announced its $10 billion weapons sales to Israel and other Arab nations. 

Let us hope the Administration has plans and the capability to restrain Israel and other Arab nations from using the weapons that he is selling. 

- The President of France is to visit China this week.  My only hope is that he will not bow and extend hands at the same time.  The new Chinese regime facing problems inside and outside, including North Korea's nuclear threats, human rights issues in Tibet, minorities and of Han people as well, ever expanding its military forces, air, soil and water pollutions that are threatening the lives of all people there, freedom of press and expression lack of which has resulted in wild rumors leading to riots, one-party system which is even unpopular among its people, rights to organize, copyright infringement, food safety, and so on. 

- The Bostonian bomber left tweets even after the bombing incident.  They surprised me with his wit and perhaps are shared among his circle of friends. 

- Japan possess the highest number of patents in the world.

The community must help the students motivated, and reward them by the community for their works.  Students should not have to say "look, I can solve quadruple equations!" nor "I am doing the great works for the community just by knowing evolution".  It is hard to learn in such an environment where you must say "Reading old English is going to bring me a great fortune" or "Being able to at least read IUPAC names will help people in needs".  

- Business or science?  White House awarded science projects on Monday for their innovative approaches that lead to jobs.  Among projects that received the awards include bio fuels, robotics, carbon nanotubes, neuroscience, drone, sensors, fresh water projects etc.  The money is in oil and in medical companies.