Android and Chromebook

Sony A-55

Android programming is a lot of fun. 

Eclipse - Android compilation is slow both on Windows and on Ubuntu.  Would it be faster on Chromebook?

Chromebook is a laptop-netbook looking all-in-one computer.  Inexpensive, thin and has light weight that runs Chrome OS.  It does Google search, of course.


The UK departing from the EU means it gets closer to the US.  It no longer will have the ability to cope with dollars selling or buying.  The pound, of all the currencies in the world, is heavily invested in euro as well. 

Militarily, it means the UK will be more susceptible to the US pressure to send forces out, for good or bad.  The people would not like it but, hey, what of the upper class and the political elites?

If and only if they can unite then it means the world power for them and for the EU.  Does Cameron trust the US rather than the EU?  Can the people trust the organization?  

Multilateralism is some important aspects in the world politics. After the Iraq war, in which the US has spent trillions of dollars and got just nothing but the reputations as failed colonizing power, the world including the ones in the United States are seeking the way to diversify the concentration of power that control all the weapons in the United States, which means a lot.