The importance of political campaigns

 President Obama left for Mexico on Thursday.  The President is to meet with the newly elected Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto.  The President said he will raise issues with his Mexican counterpart on the economy, immigration, border security and drug cartels issues.

Meanwhile, on the immigration issues, Marco Rubio, a leading GOP potential Presidential candidate in 2016, met with Tea Party oppositions.  The Florida senator is regarded as a strong proponent of the issue.  The issue may well turn out to be a test for the candidacy. 

- The very fundamental rules of politics, however, is to select targets that do not harm you, if you are to stage a 'crisis'.  For fiscal doves, there only is a financial crisis when QE is at stake. 

- May Day, or labor day, is not about austerity in its original concept.  It, however, is always depends on how you interpret the rights of workers.