We have come so far.

Anime, or cartoons are gaining recognition worldwide.  Most of them are fictional, silly,  and of course fun.

Some of Japanese anime works are influenced by, say outer influences from Europe. 

Some of them indeed carry some strong anti-'a-me-ri-ka' sentiments, depicted as massive military forces, monsters, or tyrants, but rarely directly addressed as such. 

"We just want to live in this valley quietly. "

The literary traditions of the European culture do have the 'taste' of humanity, love, aspiration, and so forth, and at times with some absurd 'respect' toward female. 

The fantastic images of the scenery or all what is in those works that you might recognize 20th century European art shape the anime works that lack precisely what the United States had pressed upon in their society and elsewhere; female working and perhaps fighting hard for their status in the society. 

It probably is fair to say the female authors in the UK fare well in this regard.  The lively loving female figures in their literature is telling us what Eastern world failed to recognize in female.  Even in their works, however, show some of the very obstacle that all female must face in the real world:

"Women at fight are ugly."

The influence of the American culture, including so-called pop-culture, is the ones that has made the difference in female standing in the society.  There is a long battle there where any who has succeeded suffered some losses of their dignity.  

Let us say the society is catching up to those who have fought for such a long time.  Upon the footprint of those, we stand as a member of this society.  We have come so far.