Former President Bush spoke on immigration

Former President Bush spoke on immigration issues.  Is this for the 2016 race, courting Hispanic people to vote for 'compassionate conservatism'?  

Compassionate or what, his voice brought me back to the time when words have meanings from the mouth of the President when I was in Japan.  When he talked, be it on freedom, liberty, or democracy, it meant something. 

President Bush's somewhat one-sided righteousness was a blessing in Asia, where they need it the most.  When he said the North's regime is killing and arming with nukes, with proper measures taken to back his comments, the people were just thrilled to hear the words of wisdom.  Could there be justice at all in this world?  Politics made sense in his words and in them alone. 

Where most of the lawmakers out of prudence and market concerns are silenced on issues on human rights in China, President Bush's clear messages on the agenda, symbolized in his courageous move to award the freedom award to the Dalai Lama were, say, revered.  No one joked on his words, and their faces brightened up with his attentions.  They say, it's foolish to turn our back on the States.  Loyality will be awarded.  While the President may seem too 'strong', he is reliable and a definitely the best partner for the nation. 

Now the good time has passed.  They talk of Iraq War when it comes to the former President.  How could they just do such a ridiculous thing in the whole world?  How is it that other nations be drawn into that as well?  Thank goodness no one died ... 

It is now the time of a Democratic President.  Vice President Joe Biden and Secretary of States John Kerry start talk with China.  The talk reportedly ranges from copyrights to security.  Will we hear the word that has been banned from the Chinese internet ever since -- democracy?  Elections?  

- Before making the argument, make the argument to discuss why it's important. 

- Knowledge takes us to higher levels. 

- Life is not everything.  People die of causes that are more dear to them.  Tibetan monks are self-immolating.  What then is precious, the life or the human wills?

- Feeling is not everything.  Feeling something is important to them, is nothing but deception.  Adjusting to your reasons, is through something different processes.