If you spend too much, you must pay it back. That's the rule that we all observe. Not so in Washington. If they spend too much? They tax us. In every way.
The election cost us a lot in terms of donation money, at around six billions. Is that all that is involved in getting the votes out?
Everything cost money. Wars cost money, and taking care of injured cost money. While it is tragedy that some 200 people shot to death so far in Chicago, paying for the injured for the gun victims cost enormous amount of money as well. And gun owners are not insured.
Now we are paying around $200 billion annually just to pay interests of the accumulated debts.
Weak government costs, and costs a lot of our tax money, since it tries to suppress oppositions by paying them. Under the left-wing populist theme of 'give-away' policies, Obama Administration has accumulated debts by hundreds of billions of dollars each year. It raised taxes and it is still not enough. It touts to have cut spending -- however little that would be -- it still is not enough. While it is not, sustaining its influences cost tax money. Thus more debts accumulate. The only reason why people are mute about Obama's tactics of attacking women just by her being -- calling names -- is because people had somewhat deceived into his rhetoric in bringing in changes. Let's say, Obama can annoy women but not the Republican opponents. Now whatever the Administration says, nothing passes the Congress for that very clear or not so clear reasons.