Spend and Bust

The rich, or the 1%ers are evidently paying lawmakers to hamper all the attempts that the Administration is making.  The more I meet with the local lawmakers, it becoming clear that it is not very easy to say all is for the voters.  They work for money and the rich pay. 

President Obama on economy at Knox Collage today re-emphasized that the focus of the Administration is the middle class.  The middle class is the driving force of our economy. 

While the middle class have the votes, the rich have the money for the lawmakers.  They oppose whenever they try to raise taxes on the rich.  Folks like me, the President said, should not need all those tax breaks. 

When all the rich are demanding for tax breaks, how do the Administration cope pass laws?  We do not want stalled Congress, do we, President Obama said.  We need to move forward.  We need sensible gun laws.  We need comprehensive immigration laws.  We need to lower healthcare costs and college tuition.  We need the banks to behave. 

The answer is always: money.  Exactly when do all those lawmakers work?  When they see the money in their hands.  The President's talk went on to address just that.  We need bridges.  We need high speed networks.  We need social securities.  We need to fund education. 

The President criticized the previous administration's "Boom and Bust" economy in his past campaigns.  The President indeed takes rather a different approach to all those problems of taxed rich, paid lawmakers and political gridlock.  It is: Spend and Bust.