The cost of education has been on the rise. The amount of student loans exceeds that of credit cards. The tuition of colleges especially that of private ones, cost tens of thousands of dollars each year. Targeted at such early age by privately run colleges, universities, and institutions, the students will be indebted for quite some time after they graduate.
President Obama in his talk on economy in Missouri said the Administration will work on lowering the cost of education. The President said he will keep talking to directors to lessen the financial burden of the students. We need ideas, he said. Some college give credits to high school students while they are in high school. In that way, the students do not have to pay the same amount of tuition. He would ask Republicans for ideas such as this, he said.
Meanwhile, the Senate passed the Student loan bill. While it is not guaranteed that the student loan bill would pass the House, it is a progress. As the President says, we can not afford to ignorance.