What unites us as a nation?

GOP is on the offensive at this moment.  The targets: the Democratic bases.  Any groups that have high Dem support rates, they are under attacks. 

Women: many of the female secretaries are gone.  There is the case with abortion as well in Texas where in a special session, the state placed the most restrictive laws against clinics. 

Black voters: the verdict on Zimmerman may or may not boost the support rates of the President's while it certainly would affect their verdicts on the Democratic party or the nation as a whole. 

Hispanic: the immigration reforms that passed the Senate now are somewhat stalled when the sitting Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano submitted her resignation in fall.  Can they hold on to hopes which seemingly becoming more like empty promises?

Youths: the rates of the student loans went up, indeed doubled since the beginning of this month.  The polls say they have less prejudices while their voting rates may not be too high. 

Low income families: the farm bill pass the House that excluded the food stamp portion of the legislature.  The White House vows to veto it while they debate how much to cut out of the programs.  The number of food stamp recipients went up in recent years. 

How are the Administration and the Democratic party dealing with the attacks?  Regrettably, there is no showing of backing up the Administration which somewhat changed how Washington works, namely taxes on the rich.  It needs a great deals of campaign however at this time of year.  It must keep saying: the party is for the middle class, and for us the 99% and that the unity is what counts in coping with these difficult situations. 

Long long ago, a Chinese emperor was with his subordinate looking at a deer. He asked a question: is that a horse, is it not? Those who were afraid of him in the room all answer the same way: it of course is a horse. Those who have the guts to say no, however, gathered up all his courage said: no it is not, it's a deer. The emperor kill all those who answered it's a deer.