Change! Change! Change the rules

More guns, more crimes.  Easy guns are not democracy.
There are claims that the European nations are not democratic.  Are European nations democratic, when even the labor movement there does not seem to have been initiated by the people?  Who could ever think of not opening stores on Sundays?  It is only by the religious orders the rules could ever be created and imposed upon people. 

On the other hand, here the States the situation is quite different.  All those corporations are too eager to make money even at the cost of the customers' comfort.  The healthcare insurance companines drop patients and raise premiums when it costs too much and there is no universal healthcare.  The nation is so 'democratic'.  Now the Administration is trying to easing rules on drugs, saying too many are using drugs. 

Are we winning the war on drugs?  Drugs kill far too many within the borders and abroad.  Is easing the penalty effective in reducing the use of drugs?