How to lower the cost of education? When student loans exceeds the amount of credit card loans, it is an imperative task to find a way to get higher education without getting bankrupt.
One sure way to do it, is not to be limited by traditional means of education.
Coursera is an open online course to have the chance to take courses from universities and institutions around the globe. Enrollment is free. Renowned researchers and lecturers will be providing you the latest of the field.
Here are some of the Coursera courses.
"What is Climate Change? How should we respond to Climate Change? These questions are complex, not least because the responses available to us depend upon who is providing the answers and the particular perspective they take. The economist sees the economic challenges and opportunities of Climate Change; the scientist sees the need to describe and explain Climate Change; the policy-maker and social scientist see Climate Change as a social problem. Therefore, the first step to understanding Climate Change and what we do about it is to see how experts from different disciplines engage with the issue. The second step is to appreciate how our response to Climate Change depends upon the interplay between these different approaches." -- Climate Change