Thousands of the former Egyptian President Morsi supporters took to street to demonstrate their anger on Friday "the Day of Rage". Dozens have reportedly killed by the the military backed interim 'coup' government. More than 600 people died by the brutal crackdown on Thursday. Unconfirmed reports say the death toll exceeds a thousand. Youtube video shows the massacre, including the one that shows the interim government shot the citizen who are carrying the wounded.
Sens. John McCain (R-AZ), Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Rand Paul (R-KY), and Patrick Leahy (D-VT) claim the US should stop sending aid money to its military government. The US aid money to the 'junta' amounts to $1.5 billion. The money is spent on weapons, inviting criticisms that the US weapons are used for killing civilians in Egypt.
The world leaders expressed outrage on the massacre of the military against its own citizens. The EU is to have a meeting next week. The UN Security Council held a meeting on Thursday.
Sending billions of dollars to governments who shoot at their own citizens? The Administration is to cancel joint military exercise. Hundreds, thousands have been killed. Is that all the US is doing?