President Obama at UN General Assembly

Arlington Heights Memorial Library, IL
President Obama addressed the United Nations General Assembly today.

The President talked of mutual respects and diplomatic solutions in the Middle East while justifying the use of force, in cooperation with other nations.  He referred to Libya without referring to Benghazi incident nor its weapons flowing into the hands of extremists in surrounding nations.  He referred to Afghanistan without referring to the consequences of the use of force, that essentially resulted in creating enemies against West.  He accused of human rights violations without referring to the use of drones.

President Obama while explicitly talked about peaceful solutions with Iran through negotiations, did not 'shake hands' with Iranian President Rouhani today.  While Israel has called out to boycott Rouhani's speech, US Secretary Kerry met with Iranian counterpart Javad Zarif.

French President Hollande is to hold a meeting with newly elected President Rouhani, who has been showing concessions to demands from the West, such as releasing political prisoners.

Diplomatic solution is the only way out.