Looming budget fight

It's taxpayers' money
As the debt ceiling fight looms, the Administration claims its budgets are a little more healthier this year than the last year's.  Now it claims the deficits won't be as much as last years, at some $750 billion.  Should the taxpayers be thankful for it?  

Overspending is the issue now and in the very near future.  The US influences are down, and down for that reasons.  If you are borrowing so much amount of money from Asian giants, how could you start saying that we do not like how you deal with minorities?

It is not only the money the state borrows that matters.  The money flows into the pockets of lawmakers, lobbyists, and into the mass media executives.  How should the US be so sympathetic to Israel when it apparently possesses chemical weapons for decades?  Israel has not even signed the treaty to ban the weapons. 

On Syrian issue, the lawmakers with Jewish ties, along with those funded by defense industries apparently did not oppose the unilateral military attacks.  The tax money on wars adds to our deficit.  The talk of wars is also about the budget.  We can not afford to sacrifice the present or future economy for the plans that have no clear objectives nor ways to achieve them.