It's 9/11 anniversary today. Just remind you that Iraq did not attack the US. Then why did we invade the nation, destroyed the infrastructure of that nation and left them in chaos? How was our tax money used for the wars?
And again, how could afford yet another war? This nation is already broke, thanks to the overspending of this Administration. Where exactly did our tax money go? In wars? In welfare? Are we enjoying the benefit of being in the wealthiest nation on earth at all, with all of our tax money? Where is the money for education, healthcare, or pensions? Wherever the tax money go, we the taxpayers must pay back the debts, dollar to dollar to the point when we can say we are clear of debts.
Now the half of the economical activities are happening in Asian region, where all new goods are from, the US influence in the region, in the Middle East, and in the world solely depends on how it manages its finance, if not its industries.
The negotiations continue on how to control chemical weapons in Syria.