Today is the day to honor our veterans. Make sure you take the time to say #ThankYouVeterans! is Veteran's Day.
— Bankrupting America (@BankruptingAm) November 11, 2013
The weak oversight by the US means deaths in every part of the world.
The US, however, has no say in dealing with any of the nations that it borrows money from. Former President Bush accumulated $5 trillion debt. President Obama did $7 trillion. What is the ramification of such amount of debt? The North Korean dictator is still executing people in public. It has killed some 80 people in public for "creating obscene videos".
How is the tax money being used? The money being spent in Afghanistan is our tax money. Other than buying defense contractors for the election, could there be any sort of reason for the wars? Getting cooperation from European allies, has it been the purpose of starting such a wasteful war on top of the mountains? Osama bin Ladin is already dead and was not in Afghanistan at all. The Iraq war cost thousands of US soldiers life while President Bush won the re-election. President Obama won his. The President now declares we are withdrawing troops from Afghanistan.
Let us hope the veterans will find the society welcoming for their peaceful works and receive enough care.