While we all watched the #SOTU, this happened. pic.twitter.com/ZZ0zCpwZtZ
— Benji Backer (@BenjiBacker) January 29, 2014
President Obama finished his speech tonight. The President repeated saying the same thing without much gust nor supporting sort of numbers. Just as usual.
Some of the points of his talks include minimum wage hike, immigration reform, closing gitmo, reducing gun violence, infrastructure spending and non spending project for broadband, and healthcare.
The only number that he seemed to have been able to recite is $10.10. That is the number he could recite without much thought into it. That is the minimum wage for federal contractors. How much does it cost us? Will it lead to less hiring?
Business as usual, would be his reference to his support to Israel and talking of hardship in Afghanistan, and the need to continue NSA surveillance. Obama did not look like what he understand what he was saying, nor he does not seem to care much, as if saying 'I won't be running ever again'.
Were we deceived? Would anything be happening at all? This is an election year. Did he frame this year's election agenda? Is he leading the party?
Let me say it was very disappointing speech. I do not like him much anymore so to speak. Let us hope at least Obama try to do something about what he said he would.