Climate Change Denial?

Since the Dept. of State issued the Keystone pipeline report, all articles regarding climate change seemed have been hidden from our views.  Monday was the national day of action.  There were protests despite the pressure from the oil companies and from the political arena, while their actions seem to be muted. 
IPCC reports the cause of the climate change, the global warming to be 95% attributed to human deeds.  The ocean and atmospheric temperature rises and the sea levels are backed by scientific data.  The green house gas blanket covers the earth and warms it up, melting the arctic ice, changing the current, affecting the climate, and causing drought, heat waves, and abnormal precipitation.

There are ways to know more about climate change.  Coursera offers excellent opportunities to learn about the cause, effects, and logical derivations of this topic.  The World Bank is hosting "Turn Down the Heat: Why a 4C warmer World Must be Avoided".

- 'Scapegout' is a term which is applied to those who are somewhat politically 'weaker'.  The possible 2016 Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton was quoted tweeting she felt better Chris Christie under attack.