Fight against the NSA surveillance program

Today is the day of action world wide.

  Stop NSA mass surveillance

President Obama announced his 'tweak' on the unpopular Healthcare law provisions that mandate businesses pay for employees' insurance.  Think you work in a big company like IBM and want to start out a business, Obama said, the delay helps you. 

Will it?  What if the employee gets sick?  The medical cost may bankrupt them.  If you are poor or retired, you get the Medicare/Medicaid.  If you are middle class working member of the work force, then you are out of luck.  This greatest nation on earth, winning medals in Olympics, won't help you out.  You are on your own; bankrupt as you please. 

The healthcare exchange, now passing three million marks seems to have gained some momentum.  No one wants to repeal Medicare/Medicaid, either.  How then is this timing of the concession this time?  What's in the everyone's mind at this time of year? 

The 2014 mid-term election is nearing.  The vulnerable Dems in the House, in the gubernatorial race and to somewhat lesser degree the Senate, they would not want bring the issue before the election.  In fact, they do not want any trouble.  Will they make a fuss about raising the debt ceiling this time?

The healthcare reform was for the middle class working class.  Now the laws get easier for the businesses.  What have we voted for?