President Obama in Malaysia

President Obama spoke in Malaysia and answered questions on mostly personal aspects his life legacy.  What could he be proud of among what he has done in his office?

I half expected his answers be about ending the war in Iraq.  The US has sent troops in the region and the wars cost both in terms of human costs as well as our tax money.  Over 7000 US soldiers died in the region.  President Obama ended the war, and troops are coming back from Afghanistan. 

Instead, he reiterated the US positions on human rights issues in the region.  Look, Burmese government is threatening Muslim Rohingya people.  Malaysia is a mainly Muslim nation, he added in his speech, perhaps for the US audience.  Human trafficking is a huge problem, he said.  We must respect people in different religions.  It may sound like something what he says to the US audience indeed.  The reference, however, to the conflict between the refugees from Bangladesh and the somewhat democratized Myanmar government may have some other connotations.  The President referred to Aun Sang Suu Kyi and did not pronounce her name in very funny way. 

President Obama praised the rapid economic development of the Malaysian society.  He said, the success is based upon the high educational standards, and urged the unity of the society.  He said, listen to the people having different opinions.  The entrepreneurship, and the innovation, respecting the copy rights, is key for more successful Malaysia, he said.  He gained the applause by using the phrase "Malaysia boleh". 

The President added, it may be the same at home.