South Korean ferry disaster; what should have the students done?

Hundreds of South Korean high school students drowned by shipwreck.  Everyone seems to be accusing just anything.  Now they blame they died because the students were told to stay inside the ship.  They have been taught to follow the order.  Is that the reason for their tragedy?

It would be a bad joke if they now are going to be taught to rebel against the order of the authority. 

The political ramification of that sort of statements are, however, fairly simple and clear; someone, most likely that can demand the media to publish such opinion is willing to tell Koreans, the young Koreans to go against their authority.  But who could benefit from the vacuum of authority of those Korean kids?

"Kids, go against your parents, follow your instinctive desire for survival.  Here is a good-smelling hamburger, entertaining movies, refreshing coke drinks, and rock music that gets you to some ecstatic pleasure". 

Let's say, it may not a bad thing not only for the west but for them.  They indeed may end up with incorporating the modern culture and 'rebel' against the gloomy and heavy traditional traps that only get them to the bottom of their society.  The US culture can get them to the height they could have never been able to achieve; say freedom, and democracy, in the form of entertainment.  Without the traditional constraints, where could they go anyway?

What is required here, however, is not setting kids to follow their instinctive desire to follow the 'new' power of the west.  What could have saved those kids is the training for those who were managing the whole situation.  They should have been taught to save lives, and know their limit in doing so, or just leave the responsibility to others who can take that responsibility. 

Let us pray that the tragedy will never happen again.