#NoNewWar in Iraq

The Hollywood-made politics of the US now campaigned on the war against 'terrorists'.  The end results of the campaign: more than half vote for bombing the region.  Again.  In Iraq, at the same place, with same plan, or no plan at all.  The 'imminent' threat of the terrorist groups forged in the Middle East were subtly hinted by their garments.  No group has ever issued any threat just yet, however.  They might, though, if we start out sending our jet fighters and troops out and start invading Iraq again.

Perhaps with such surge of voices concerning the well-being of the people in Iraq, the Iraqi government issued a statement: the Iraqi government will not bomb residential areas anymore.  At the same time, Shi'a Iraq proclaimed: Iraq will open a new consulates in Shi'a Iran.

The sudden collective sympathy toward the Iraqi people suffering from the terrorists was endorsed by the publication of the video that shows horrific slaughter of the US journalists.  "We've got to do something" can be what summarizes the public sentiments.  Something?  Could it be something as bravery like bombing Iraqi people?  Now former Vice President Dick Cheney is speaking up on this issue. 

What have we achieved by the Iraq War?  Having spent trillions of dollars, the sacrifice of thousands of the US soldiers, hundreds of billions of dollars 'rebuilding' Iraq, massive casualties on Iraqi side, the 'democratized' Iraqi government "does not listen to us".

What complicates the bombing scheme is not only about the effectiveness of the attacks.  Say, most often than not, we hear comments like "the airstrikes killed the militant leaders".  One might wonder; are we killing them, or creating them?  Arming the militant groups in Iraq is as risky.  Arms might end up in the wrong hands.  In fact, the militants are fighting with the US weapons now. 

Let us not start yet another dumb war in Iraq. The unending war in the Middle East has exhausted our resources; human cost is enormous.  Our tax money was wasted; and our credibility is down on earth.  Shall we talk about protecting the minority tribes in Iraq?  Or is it WMD threats again, or terrorism?  The fight against terrorism is essentially about building laws and orders, not destroying them. 

Let us hope; the military escalation would end in the media.  Let us hope; citizens rise up and say no war any more.  Let us hope; the lawmakers get to senses and say no to aggression.