At the televised Connecticut gubernatorial debate session, which was hosted by Fox and held at UConn, incumbent Democratic governor Dan Malloy and the Republican contender Tom Foley debated on economy of the state. Foley's points are simple and clear; as a businessman, he said, I vow to reduce the public spending which increased by $3B during gov. Malloy's term. I accuse the state's largest tax hike in history by $1.8B. The electricity was up. The state's economic growth is one of the lowest in the nation. Don't worry, he said, that he will raise wages for public sector employees.
Gov. Malloy was on defense. He could have talked about how the public sector jobs are threatened; remember the Big Bird in 2012 election? He could have stressed the income disparity and that only 1%ers are getting all the money from the economic recovery. He could have scare people of medicare and pension cuts. Instead, the governor only stated the state's economic growth was in a good place among all New England states. He created jobs and the state was in debt before he took office.
The election is a month away. This is almost the only chance that we can have a say in the politics. However the results would be, let us hope the discussion will help us move forward.