Illinois Governors Debate

The first Illinois gubernatorial debate between governor Pat Quinn and the challenger Bruce Rauner was held on Thursday.  They debated on issues ranging from how they are to manage the general assembly, the plans to bring back manufacturing, green economy, issues on term limit, education, the minimum wage, taxes, medicaid and pension plans.  How do people in Illinois think about this closely contested race?

Li. said the challenger will be good for economy.  "I do care about the pension," she said.  "But we must think of the economy." she said. 
Lu. said she does not support the governor.  "Illinois was a better place," she said.  "All the businesses are fleeing from the state, it's terrible" she said. 

D. said "it (political ads) gets so negative", "I hope they do not start out the personal attacks and the smear campaign." and said the economy is the issue. 

A. said, "There are good rich people who run for office.   Bloomberg was a good mayor and did fine in NY.  What about this guy?"  "He talks of reform.  But who is going to pay for it?", she said.   "It requires money."

M. said, "I am a political scientist, you know.  I used to pay a great attention to politics.  But here is this, I lost interests in Illinois politics.  It is so corrupt." and added the people eventually would vote on party lines. 

The election is just a month away.  Let us hope the debate will bring us forward and will not get us down.